Gem Skull Cut, Soulpeace, Toadify, Unicorns, oh my!

Here are a few screenshots of my latest adventures (Supernatural EP)!

While attempting to collect one of every type of Gem, I found out on Carl’s Sims Guide that one of the display cases has a special function to transform a set of gems into a Skull Cut or a Soulpeace Gem! So I had to give it a try.

Add a combination of gems and gem cuts, then click ‘Activate’

The transfiguration can create Skulls or a raw Soulpeace gem (in the corner is Brilliant cut).

If you get toadified, you can catch some flies at the beehives.

Orb of Answers
I finally figured out what the Orb of Answers is from a forum.

Ghost Holds a Baby
I didn’t think a ghost would be able to hold a baby!